Why here?

As the National Grid transitions to a greener, cleaner system, modern energy parks like this one will be required up and down the country. This location has been chosen above others in the area becuase:

  • There are no known ecological designations (special protection mesures) associated with the Site

  • Outside of any National Park or National Landscape Area

  • Located predominantly within Flood Zone 1 (lowest risk)

  • More than half a kilometre from any listed buildings

  • Good road access, to minimise disruption to traffic during the construction period. A number of access routes are being considered, including from the A1 via the A507 to enter the site from the North, and from the A10 via the A507 to enter the site from the East. The route will be designed to avoid residential areas wherever possible.

  • Favourable topography means that we can make efficient use of the natural light at each point of the day

  • Existing field access means minimal hedgerow disruption

  • While two public rights of way bisect the site, we care confident that they can remain open during construction, and will be buffered with natural planting so that their long term use will not be affected

The infrastructure and biodiversity areas would be contained within the blue area on the map to the right. Biodiversity enhancement would be placed sensitively to allow a buffering area from our closest neighbours.

While we are confident that this is an appropriate location, our planning application will be accompanied with a robust suite of surveys and reports, which may include: 

  • Planning, Design and Access Statement 

  • Planning Application Drawings 

  • Landscape and Visual Appraisal 

  • Heritage Desk Based Assessment 

  • Flood Risk Assessment / Drainage Strategy 

  • Ecological Impact Assessment 

  • Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment and associated DEFRA metric 

  • Noise Impact Assessment 

  • Transport Statement and Construction Traffic Management Plan 

  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment 

  • Fire Safety Strategy Report  

  • ALC Report 

  • Statement of Community Involvement 

  • Geophysics Report 

  • Photomontages 

What North Herts Council say…

Council Plan

Reducing our contribution to climate change and the ecological crisis will help minimise damage to our district and make where we live more resilient.

Local Plan

This Plan supports the principles of sustainable development within North Hertfordshire.

Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document

Renewable and low carbon energy is pivotal in the drive towards net zero. Besides reducing carbon footprint, such technologies also reduce household energy costs.

Climate Change Strategy

The council has had a long-term focus on climate action and ‘Sustainability’ is one of our three key priorities outlined in our Council Plan (2022-2027).